current location: home  > windows  > Games > G-Hotkey


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Developer's DescriptionBy J.R. MarquartCreate remapped key sets for your computer games.G-Hotkey allows you to create macros and remapped key sets for computer games. Complex macros can send mouse clicks and multiple key presses to the active game window. Macros can be set to repeat at a specified or random interval with the ability to fire off another macro upon completion. Remapped keys can be created to hold down a specific key. G-Hotkey does not modify the game executable, configuration files, or keyboard/mouse drivers.G-Hotkey allows for up to 12 remapped keys, 4 simple macros, and 9 simple/complex macros per game profile and adds a console mode (G-HotkeyC.exe) which allows you to run games directly from the console without a GUI front-end.
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