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DDD Pool

DDD Pool

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Editors' staffOctober 13, 2013Aside from the rather short trial period, this billiards game hits all the balls in the right order. DDD Pool offers several variations of billiards, including eight-ball and nine-ball. It's also nice that the program lets you play in several rooms. The top-notch graphics display a surprising level of detail. For example, in one of the pool rooms, you can clearly make out the finer points of one of the paintings hanging on the wall. The sound effects are equally realistic, and it's very easy to shoot using either your mouse or the control keys. The computer opponent is quite skillful, even on the easiest setting, but you can choose to play against another human should you master the game's AI. Since DDD Pool is so addictive, we would have preferred a longer trial period than the allotted 60 minutes. We'd bet more experienced pool players looking for a good way to virtually sharpen their stick skills won't be disappointed with this game.
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