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Editors' ReviewDownload.com staffJuly 15, 2016Though the demo for this WWII first-person shooter offers the same great gameplay as the original Call of Duty, the sequel doesn't contain enough new features to warrant a top rating. Also, the included mission seems too short, considering the large download and lengthy installation. From the start, the immersive cinematic presentation that made the original so popular is evident. Your convoy of jeeps rides into El Daba, Egypt, where you must take out four German artillery units, signal the headquarters location to your fleet, grab secret dispatches, and reconnect with your troop at the docks, fighting all the way. The new health system doesn't offer a hard count, but rather limits your short-term damage, much like Halo's shield system. You'll only know you're hurt when your breathing becomes erratic and you start to palpitate. Yikes! Resting in a safe spot will heal your character. The other obvious new feature is the ability to climb over small barriers, but the height and type of material you can vault seem arbitrary. The sound and graphics are again excellent. Planes flying overhead will shake the battlefield, and smoke grenades create an awesome fog of war. Our favorite facet of the first Call of Duty was the open-ended feel of the levels, and that's no different in COD2. Though the demo mission is fairly straightforward, you can still explore the many alleys of the city, staking out the best camping spots for knocking off Jerries.