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Adrian Browser

Adrian Browser

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Editors' staffSeptember 27, 2006Tired of multiplying tiers of toolbars cluttering your browser window? This browser would make your inner Joe Friday happy as you'll soon be deadpanning, "Just the site, ma'am."Adrian's Browser is a no-frills, no bells-and-whistles browser that offers just the basics. Along with the browser pane, there's an address field, Google search field, three buttons (Go, Refresh, and Stop), and two navigation-arrow buttons (back and forward). The search field's incremental find function may bother some users, while others will be amused at finding links to things they'd had no notion of looking up.In our tests, it responded quickly, although we encountered a couple of problems. First, even as we visited sites turned up by searches, the URL in the address field never changed from the last address we entered. The sites we browsed never displayed their URLs in the address field. Second, when maximized, the bottom of the browser window extended below (and behind) the default taskbar location. We weren't able to scroll down to bring obscured items in that part of the pane into view. Our only solution was to move the task bar.We were otherwise pleased with this free browser's performance and the absence of toolbars eating up valuable screen real estate. We recommend this app to anyone ready for a change of pace from feature-bloated browsers.
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