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HTTPS Everywhere for Chrome

HTTPS Everywhere for Chrome

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Editors' staffMarch 13, 2013A plug-in alpha port based on a Firefox plugin, HTTPS Everywhere for Chrome works silently in the background, forcing HTTPS compliant Web sites to exclusively operate in this secure mode instead of inadvertently switching to HTTP operation. It's a handy piece of software to have, but it's not yet as good as its Firefox counterpart.ProsAutomatic operation: HTTPS Everywhere for Chrome requires hardly any actions on your part except for selecting the sites to be included in HTTPS Everywhere activity, although this is not something you have to do often. For sites where content cannot be loaded properly, you can quickly deactivate the plug-in with a single click from the browser address bar.ConsNo ruleset functionality: HTTPS Everywhere for Firefox includes the useful ruleset function that is absent in this Chrome version. The manual function available from the main plug-in menu does not provide you with the same customization or the ability to reach sub-domains.Not relevant to non-HTTPS compliant sites: We found the plug-in useless for sites that do not use HTTPS at all, which is without question the plug-in's inherent vulnerability. VPN or other measures will be required if you want to stay safe.Bottom LineHTTPS Everywhere for Chrome does increase your browsing security, but at this alpha stage, it lacks the features and maturity of its Firefox brother. Nevertheless, it remains a good download if you use Chrome with a wide range of sites. Also, keep an eye out for new releases -- we see a lot of potential for coming versions.
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