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Editors' staffFebruary 11, 2010The strength of this Web registration bypass utility is its efficiency. Its beauty is its invisibility. BugMeNot's interface is a mere line in your Firefox context menu. This helpful tool is designed to work best without any user intervention.Surf to a popular Web site that requires registration, and BugMeNot immediately logs you in using its stored registration data. The program doesn't save your information, but enters the data from its database of faux accounts. That means multiple users log in with the same account, but none are actually the account holder. This free add-on works best for those sites you rarely visit. You won't need to spend time registering at a newspaper site just to read a single article. Surf to the site and BugMeNot automatically logs you in with an account in its database. If the site has disabled the account, the app simply tries until it finds one that works. On the rare occasion when you surf to a site that BugMeNot doesn't recognize, you can quickly submit faux registration information that the app saves for future use.BugMeNot's few options disable automatic submission of data and automatic entry of the next account if the first fails. However, we feel the program works best in full automatic mode. Any Firefox user who surfs the Web will love the simplicity and usefulness of this free add-on.
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