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Torch Browser

Torch Browser

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Editors' staffNovember 8, 2018Torch Browser includes media downloading, torrents, and social media and sharing. The all-in-one approach has advantages and disadvantages. Chief among advantages is browser integration, which is also the chief disadvantage if you don't use a particular feature or prefer another tool. ProsChromium plus: Torch Browser has Google's speedy, reliable, and customizable Chromium engine under the hood.Torrents, media, and more: Clicking the Torrents button on Torch's toolbar opened an easy-to-use downloader. The Media Grabber button became active on pages with content we could download.Single-click downloads: Torch also grabs YouTube videos and other online content with a single click -- no more right-click, copy URL, open downloader, paste URL, and so on.ConsUnwanted extras: Torch installed several extensions and toolbar extras like Torch Music, Games, and Shopping that we didn't necessarily want. An Ask toolbar is mandatory during installation, though you can remove it later.Typos: Mistakes happen, but misspelling your name on your front door doesn't inspire confidence.Stability issues: Torch took several attempts to download and install. After setup, opening the Torrent and Music tools crashed the browser several times.Bottom LineWhen it comes to personalizing browsers, we prefer do-it-yourself over Torch Browser's all-in-one approach. Heavy torrent and media downloaders who don't have strong opinions about browser extras should check out Torch, though.
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