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HTML Signature Block Code Generator

HTML Signature Block Code Generator

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Developer's DescriptionBy Cube ProGenerate custom HTML email signature code blocks.HTML Signature Block Code Generator is a portable application that generates custom HTML email signature code blocks. HTML Signature Block Code Generator allows individuals to create custom html code tailored specifically towards your needs and desires. HTML Signature Block Code Generator allows for up to 8 custom text lines, not counting the select-able office, cell, email, and website(yes its clickable) entries. HTML Signature Block Code Generator's custom html code can be used with any of today's modern email clients that allow html signatures.I came up with this idea after assisting a customer with setting up a custom email signature. I recently had taken a call seeking assistance in custom email signatures for Lotus Notes. I was all too happy to show off an additional skill set that I rarely use at work. It made me feel good that I still remember basic html code, but what started out as a few quick lines of code quickly spiraled out of control. Soon I had been on the phone for 30 minutes, given (in my opinion) a decent explanation of HTML coding practices, and written far more code then I had anticipated. My personal standards would not let me use outdated code - even though it would have worked work. It was going to need a CSS style sheet and some 'div' tags. The end product was not that complicated. It just took more time and effort then I really thought it was appropriate.As a result of my Scrooge McDuck work philosophy and knowing that the chances of me having to assist another customer with an email signature are very high - I created this application. The use of CSS stylesheets and 'div' tags coupled with a custom algorithm allows for more efficient code to be generated, by reducing un-needed HTML tags. The small application size make it easy to store and run from a USB drive.
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