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Anonymizer Nyms

Anonymizer Nyms

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Developer's DescriptionBy AnonymizerProtect your personal accounts against spam and digital threats.Combat spam from a new angle with anonymous, disposable e-mail addresses. Anonymizer Nyms shields your real address by creating a unique Nyms e-mail address every time you need to provide an address. When someone sends a message to your Nyms address, it's seamlessly redirected to your designated personal e-mail address. Because Anonymizer Nyms redirects all incoming e-mail to your primary address, it's much easier to manage than creating second, third or fourth e-mail accounts (& then checking multiple e-mail boxes for messages).Nyms puts you in control of your incoming mail. When (notice we didn't say "if") your Nyms address is shared with spammers, you can simply deactivate that Nyms account and stop the spam from flooding your real in-box. Plus, this enables you to identify exactly where spam is being initiated. Protect your identity & your e-mail address with Anonymizer Nyms.Version 2.1 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
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