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MagicJack Blocker

MagicJack Blocker

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Developer's DescriptionBy Shipping AddressHide or block magicJack popup window while making and receiving phone calls, quick dial numbers.MagicJack Blocker was created after having complaints about how this software worked on my computer. After signing up for and a while back I would get a phone call while watching a movie. MagicJacks program interface would popup letting me know there was a phone call, which would in turn minimize the movie I was watching. I would then have to get up and minimize magicJack and start the movie again in full screen. So after awhile I decided to create a program that would stop this and have magicJack not popup when getting a phone call. So what will this program do for you? Well in short will block magicJacks interface and restore netflix and hulu's movies to full screen, restore online games to playability, restore currently active programs. Also Quick phone number dialing was added. Just enter a preset number and the full phone number will be dialed.
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