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DBX Open File Tool

DBX Open File Tool

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Developer's DescriptionBy Open File ToolsOpen and recover corrupted DBX files.DBX Open File Tool represents an intelligent data recovery solution for Outlook Express folders, supporting all available versions of this email client. This software can be applied on any computer and without some kind of difficulties, it is possible due to the ease of its friendly interface and intelligent power recovery wizard. There is no problem if the input document of dbx format is relatively large, the usage of DBX Open File Tool allows reindexing these files and split input mailboxes into several parts when it is necessary. DBX Open File Tool is compatible with Windows 98 - Windows 7 and all available versions of Outlook Express, you may start working right now since instructions are no longer needed. Look at the description of DBX Open File Tool published on the website of software vendor and get to know it is really easy and the analysis of damaged dbx files takes several steps only. In the same time, you may call the Recovery Wizard feature in the beginning of software execution and follow all guidelines of this helper. Moreover, DBX Open File Tool guarantees the highest quality of analysis, providing powerful data recovery algorithms so you may count on the success even in the worst cases, damaging email folders in Outlook Express format. Since Outlook Express keeps all folders in appropriate dbx files separately, you may click appropriate document in DBX Open File Tool to start the analysis, by default this application automatically detects the location of dbx files and suggest opening these documents during the first stage of data recovery. If the location of these files is changed for any reason, the path of input files can be modified accordingly, refer to the online guide of DBX Open File Tool for more information about its settings. Feel free recovering as many mailboxes as you really need to evaluate this software, demo version of DBX Open File Tool does not have limitations of time.
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