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Developer's DescriptionBy SemWare CorporationEdit text and manipulate data for web publishing.The SemWare Editor Professional (TSE Pro) v4.4 for Windows is a compact, fully featured text editor that is ideal for programmers, users needing to manipulate data files (both large and small), as well as anyone needing a fast, powerful, general purpose text editor. Load as many files (long filenames supported) as Window's virtual memory will allow. Files may be loaded in normal text mode or in binary mode (great for editing/viewing non-ASCII files), and additionally offers a HEX mode view, which can be toggled on/off for each file.Some of the many features of the editor include: Powerful macro programming language (over 500+ commands, including the ability to call DLLs) with debugger; multi-language compiler support; load and/or execute macros from within the editor, or from the command line; configurable menus/keyboard; block marking operations (column, character, and line based blocks); regular expression search/replace; color syntax highlighting; Multilevel Undo/Redo.
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