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Developer's DescriptionBy PatiSoftwareExtend the cryptographic capabilities of Xojo/RealStudio.Although cryptography is a complex topic, the plugin's API are designed with the goal of making encryption, error detection and hashing accessible with the minimum of effort. In a nutshell, the plugin offer the following services: Encryption/Descryption:easy and quick encryption/decryption of either a block of memory or an entire file. The plugin provides a wide choice of both blockbased and streambased ciphers. Among the others: RC4, RC5 DES, TripleDES AES Serpent Blowfish Twofish Rabbit Salsa 20 Hashing:computing of the hash value of a block of memory using one of the cryptographic hash functions offered by the plugin: SHA256 SHA512 MD5 HMACMD5 Tiger Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC):the plugin offers a wide choice of CRC algorithms to perform error detection on memory or files: 8, 16,32 and 64 bits based CRC algorithms are implemented by the plugin. The CRC functionalities are provided as extensions of the Memoryblock and Folderitem classes built in the Xojo Framework.
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